On Instagram: Itsy Bitsy Spider is Neither Itsy NOR Bitsy

by | Aug 30, 2012 | Life | 9 comments

Fall approacheth.

This means SPIDERS.

Neither itsy NOR bitsy

I shared this picture on Instagram recently. It did not get a lot of “likes”… BECAUSE THIS IS NOT LIKEABLE!

Also, I can’t look at this picture without gagging.

I just… ICK!

I think I want to start featuring my favorite Instagram “conversations”. They say a picture is worth a thousand words… probably because everybody has something to say!

No… it was not a tarantula. I have no idea. While I was taking the picture, I prayed it was not a JUMPING SPIDER.
But my favorite comment is from Shana… KILL! IT! KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!!
I did not kill the spider. I ran back into the house. RAN.
Are you on Instagram? I am hard to find there… jennyonthespot… Go figure. If you’re there, let me know! I’d love to stalk follow you… how many thousands of words in pictures are in store for us?!!!


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Hi, I'm Jenny :)

Hi, I'm Jenny 🙂

I'm on the spot!

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