Mom = eyes on the back of the head, right?
Lucy: Mom, can you see behind you?
Lucy asked me that the other day.
Being as sharp and “on it” as I often am I turned my head. I looked behind me and said, “YES.”
Lucy digged: No. NO. Like if you are standing there, can you just see BEHIND you, WITHOUT turning your head???
Ahhhhh… I see.
Me: Why YES I can, Lucy. I’m a mom. I have eyes on the back of my head.
Lucy: OooooooooooooooH! Then my teacher was RIGHT! She said that moms have eyes on the backs of their heads!!!!
Me: Lucy. You have a very smart teacher.
Lucy: I know.

We built a gingerbread house the other day. Lucy has a thing for marshmallows. And unicorns.
She’s everything 7 should be.
That picture is titled “MARSHMALLOW GOOOOSH!” Apparently, when you smoosh marshmallows between your fingers, the sticky remains are called Goosh… She spent a good 5 minutes running around the house yelling “MARSHMALLOW GOOSH, MARSHMALLOW GOOOOOOSH!!!!”
It was loud. It was messy… and it was one of those moments where my husband and I look at each other and give each other that look… You know… THE LOOK.
No, not THAT look (though this happened on our anniversary)
…but the look you share when you realize this is the dream. We are living the dream… marshmallow goosh and all.
P.S. Don’t forget about my Oreck vacuum cleaner giveaway!
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Peace and Sparkles!
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