Name That Emotion

by | Sep 16, 2010 | General | 7 comments

excited or scared?Is Jenny excited??? Or is she scared???

You have 3 lines to guess…




Yeah. Jenny doesn’t know either. It was actually, equal parts of both.

Nor does Jenny know why she is writing in third person. Probably has to do with post-traumatic stress disorder.

But why might your Jenny feel excited or scared?

Because Jenny is not a public speaker by trade. But she publicly spoke recently, and has a couple of other dates on the calendar this Fall.

Lucky for Jenny, she has fallen head-over-heels in love with microphones. Jenny thinks they are like disco balls, but for your voice!

But she digresses…

This Jenny is used to having access to a delete key and having ultimate “publishing” power. When speaking publicly – no such grace exists.

Jenny spoke at Ignite Seattle 11 Tuesday night. On a stage! To learn more about Ignite, go here…

Ignite Seattle 11On this stage Jenny discovered the ultimate confidence prop – A MICROPHONE! It there Jenny shared tips on How To Be An Internet Movie Phenom Without Taking Your Clothes Off  — to about 560 people. Give or take.

*tummy flips again*

There will be video. Eventually. But in the meantime, if you want to read a good recap – check out Jenny’s friend –  Anthony Steven’s – In Pursuit of a Life. He wrote a great Ignite Seattle 11 recap post! Anthony was also one of Jenny’s Ragnar Relay teammates… *fist bump, Anthony*.

The event was held at the King Cat Theater in Seattle. Jenny was pleased for the warm welcome…


What? Like I wasn’t TOTALLY gonna make this about me. Tuesday night was MY night. It was practically as much my night as was my wedding. Or something.

But seriously… it was an incredible night. I left inspired. There topic set was diverse (from minimalism to typography… from science to online dating, from cancer to plastic cameras… and that is not the half of it!), the speakers were creative and engaging. I can’t wait to post a link to the presentations…


Have you ever had a “diet fail”. My husband and I have. It’s funny NOW…. Share your funny story for a chance to win $150!


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Hi, I'm Jenny 🙂

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