Lest anyone think I have my act together… have I told you about the time:
ONE of my kids (who shall forever remain nameless except to whom the child has already been named) approached me one time…
Mom. I need clean underwear.
I asked if enough looking for clean underwear had occurred.
And there had been.
With 5 minutes left before having to leave for school… I realized we were at an impasse – of sorts.
There was no time to wash underwear.
There was no suitable underwear substitute.
“Well,” I said… “You’re gonna have to turn them inside out.”
To which the child replied, “I DID THAT FOUR DAYS AGO.”
Since then, the children have all been taught how to do their own laundry, and I have also done my part to help make sure my children have the clean underwear needed.
But this is real life.
There is never “Clean underwear ever after…”
Not too long ago one of my children was packing to to spend a couple days with family.
Once again, underwear was an issue.
Mom. I don’t have any clean underwear.
What is a mom to do?
I called my sister-in-law and left her a voicemail message that I was sending a bag of dirty underwear for her to wash.
She texted, “You’re in luck! I am doing laundry.”
I texted back, “Overachiever.”
