My Progress: The iVillage Kickstart Your Weight Loss Challenge

by | Jan 21, 2012 | Sponsored | 5 comments


3 weeks in and I have lost 6 pounds!


Six is great, but with how hard I’ve been working at it, one would think I’d be my dream size now.

But not so much.

My 6 week goal is 12 pounds total, but I am sensing a resistance. Per usual, when I get to this point on the scale my body freaks out a little. She digs in her nails and tries to hang on. I feel like I’ll be lucky if I lose 3 more. But I will press on because literally, less is NOT more!

(Speaking of… there are 3 weeks left – join with me in the Kickstart Your Weight Loss Community Challenge. There is still time to join me and a community of people working toward the same goal. And it’s not just about weight loss, but getting your sexy healthy back.)

Because I didn’t get to blather in the video, I’ll blather here: In the last 3 weeks I reduced calories (avg of 1200 daily), upped my exercise (when I exercise, I can eat more!), made 2 doctor appointments, had 1 blood draw, am back on my thyroid medication and some progesterone (my body doesn’t really make that for me… something about stress and my sad little adrenals, and schtuff)… I don’t eat after 7, and am drinking plenty of water.

Things I didn’t intend to change, but have as a result of counting calories:

  • No butter. Not that I ate much anyway. Maybe a tablespoon a day. But, when keeping calories low, spending 100 calories on a pat of butter… NO. I’m HUNGRY. Gimme chicken.
  • No alcohol. Not that I drink that much. Maybe a glass of wine a few nights a week. This all goes back to appeasing the belly… If I’m hungry, I’m not going to have a glass of wine. Or a beer. Gimme a cup of my ground turkey chili!
I found a GREAT “ice cream” recipe: Chocolate Banana Ice Cream. It has been a FABULOUS treat. I make single-servings…. 1 banana, 1/2 TBS of cocoa powder and 1/4 cup of milk. I don’t add the honey or agave because when I did, it was a bit too sweet for me. 125 caories of this vs. 100 calories in a tablespoon of butter? You know which one I’m hittin’.
Of course, I am looking for more things to add to my menu. Healthy, SIMPLE things. The easier the better. You see, when one is counting calories, when one is weighing, measuring, considering, and writing it all down… there’s not time to go all “master chef”… I just need good, satisfying alternatives that won’t keep me in the kitchen all day. Or I won’t do it. I just won’t.
On that note… I have started a “Healthy Eating” Pinterest board. I have 2 things pinned. Sad. I have a few great recipes I hope to share here as soon as… you know… TIME permits. BUT, if you have any suggestions – share, share, share! I’m hungry! I want to fill out that Pinterest board so I can fill my bellee with yummy, healthy stuffs!
What to eat, what to eat...
*Disclosure: iVillage is providing compensation for my involvement in this program. Views, experiences, cutting of veggies, choosing water over sode, dedication, invitation to commiserate, will-power and grumbling tummy at night because I refuse to eat after 7 are all mine. Alllllllll mine.


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Hi, I'm Jenny 🙂

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