My kid: The ONLY Kid

by | Oct 31, 2011 | General | 5 comments

I was walking through my kids’ school the other day. Heading to student/teacher conferences and whathaveyou.

I love walking the halls. It’s so fun to see the projects being displayed… seeing the different levels of creativity/capability… and shall we say interpretations of art and academics.

And don’t you just love it when you can tell without looking at the name – which project belongs to your very own spawn?

Take for example the standard construction paper scarecrow:

construction paper scarecrowThis is not Lucy’s scarecrow.

No. I stood a few feet from the Wall-O-Scarecrows and I saw it. I saw it and I said to me… “Oh…. there’s Lucy’s.”

Every scarecrow had it’s hair where scarecrow hair is traditionally found – on the scarecrow “forehead”.

All 25ish scarecrows stood stuck on the wall… staring… all with bangs…

But not Lucy’s.

She must be partial to the balding scarecrow.

The hairless scarecrow

I commented, “Oh Lucy… I see YOUR screcrow.” She replied, “Oh yeah. I accidentally put it’s head on it’s hair.”

That scarecrow.

Not wrong.

Not bad.

But Lucy’s.

And as she never fails to do… makes me smile.


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