My First Olympic Distance Triathlon

by | Aug 3, 2008 | Health | 21 comments


I just completed my first olympic distance triathlon. Here are the details I can gather to share while I wait for the Tylenol PM to kick in…

  • The weather was PERFECT. Completely cloudy. The water at 67 degrees was warmer than the air. I had no worries about overheating. I mean really, it was incredible considering it should have been cloudless and 80. I’m a wimp when it comes to heat…
  • I finished, and cried a little at the finish line for all the relief and happiness. 
  • I finished in 2 hours and 55 minutes and whatever seconds… I didn’t know if I would finish in under 3.5 hours, so yeah… I was pretty happy to finish in under 3!
  • My butt hurts. The bike distance for an olympic distance triathlon is almost 25 miles and 6.2 miles running. Absolutely my butt hurts.
  • My legs ache, mostly probably from the over 4 hour drive home. I could have used a bit more stretching. Though we did stop for an hour to shop at the Nike and Helly Hansen outlets. I found a great winter coat – all army green with a furry thing growing on the lid.
  • I burned 1,514 calories in that 2 hours and 55 minutes. 
  • I drank a fair amount of green lake water, but never got attacked by man-elbows. I was hit, and grabbed by the foot, and swum over, but I’m sure most was not intentional. Just part of the race hustle. 


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Hi, I'm Jenny 🙂

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