Girls love Taylor Swift.
Heck, IIIIIII love Taylor Swift.
Yeah, yeah… I hear she dates her fair share of fellas… yadda yadda… whatever.
I think those folks are just jealous of her talent.
And fabulous hair.
At least she’s not swinging naked on wrecking balls in music videos. If the last sentence confuses you… just leave it be. You can’t unsee things.
If you know who I’m talking about, then… I’m sorry.
I could go on, but I want to get back to why I started writing this post…
My girls love Taylor Swift. My oldest has a guitar and she has taught herself parts of Taylor’s songs and sings. My youngest requests we turn on Taylor as soon as we get it the car. It’s not hard to say yes because I like her music too. She also calls Taylor, Tay Tay… because in her 8 year old mind, they’re super close like that.
I discovered a little late in the ticket-buying game that Taylor Swift was coming to town for a concert. Like Santa, only Taylor.
I looked online and sticker shock immediately set-in and it didn’t take long for me to assess taking my girls to see Taylor Swift would be: something to add to the life list.
A few weeks later Lucy (8) said, “DID YOU KNOW TAYLOR SWIFT HAD A CONCERT?!”
If you know Lucy you know she often talks in ALL CAPS.
I said, “Yeah, baby. I did. I looked at tickets and it would have cost us, like $700.”
I may or may not have been exaggerating. According to my tattered memory, I am pretty sure even 3 cheap seats would have been around $700. And with how late I was looking, we would have all been sitting in separate sections.
Aaaanywho… I said, “Yeah, baby. I did know. I looked at tickets and it would have cost us, like $700.”
I could see the wheels turning… How could we have cut costs and made that concert happen???? Without skipping a beat, “WELLLLL, YOU COULD HAVE STAYED OUTSIDE!…”
Sure, she’s cute… just standing there with her offering of a dandelion bouquet… but when push comes to shove (or Taylor Swift comes to town) she’ll leave you outside with the dogs. Or in this case, ticket hawkers.