There really is very little more to add.
My friend Kat and I met-up at Vlogger Fair. It was held in Seattle the beginning of June.
And since we are vloggers, we vlogged at Vlogger Fair.
Of course Kat made it pretty easy… by falling out of a port-a-potty, breaking her fork cutting a crêpe, and faulty sunglasses and such…
I love Kat. And the more time I get with her, the more I love her.
And it’s not just because she drives out of her way to pick me up at the ferry to take me to Seattle events.
Though that helps.
If this video with Kat isn’t enough, check her out on YouTube, and if you’ve never met her blog, then HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE.
She’s awesome.
And it would seem she might also be a little clumsy. I like that.
Misery loves company.