So, I had this *thing* I was preparing for. And me… wanting to be one who is prepared… I had to hit the Google and Flickr searches for images.
I searched for things like, “hot basketball cheerleaders” and “hot firemen” and also “stripper pole”.
Let me tell ya people, I have one understanding husband, AND perhaps a few therapy sessions are in order… because let’s face it — just like one cannot un-send an email nor un-ring a bell… neither can one UN-SEE internet image results. And since I am a giver, and also I hear therapy is always better in groups, I thought I’d share a few of my hot finds with you…
Ohhh… Ahhh…
Did you see that? He’s double jointed, ladies…
And ladies… Ladies.
Ladies, say hello…
And finally… a little something for the the men. I know it’s not just ladies that visit Jenny On the Spot. I haven’t forgotten my man traffic. Uh…
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