Impending: Mothering During the Tween and Teen Years {hold me}

by | May 31, 2011 | Parenting/Family | 19 comments

Or continues.

The drama.

I thought the drama of a 2 year old. Or 3 year old. Or even a 4 year old was all a grown woman could bear.


In my home, we are teetering on the edge of teen-dom and in the thick of tweendom, and HAVE MERCY ON MY SOUL WHAT AM I GOING TO DO? A 9 year old girl and an almost 12 year old boy and…


Right now (9:49 p.m.) my husband is making an emergency run.

To the local “why-do-we-patronize-that-place-oh-yeah-because-they-sell-BenandJerry’sChubbyHubby” store.

Because my mental well being depends on it.

Yes, Ben and Jerry hold my sanity in a simple carton.

I have to hold back the details of the specific drama that befell our home tonight… simply because as my kids get older, I realize I have to protect them from one day getting slammed against a locker because their blogger-of-a-mother had loose lips finger tips.

I will say this, we did manage to stop short of anyone “tearing one’s own robes”. Thankfully we were able to keep things just under a King Saul level of distress.

But barely.

I may exaggerate. But… you know how it feels IN those moments. The drama can feel Biblical in it’s proportion. For both the tweens and the parents.

Why do I share this?

I am not sure. I have no point to make. Or lesson to share.

I just know this – the sun will rise and a new morrow will begin… I can’t help but feel this is just a foreshadowing of events to come, and I am not encouraged.

I thought dealing with a whacked-out 4 year old who was on the edge of being able to communicate was close to the toughest mental challenge a mother could face. But set that next to a 9-12 year old that CAN communicate but CAN’T because of all the strange things their bodies are putting them through, and…

Pray for me.

Do you have tweens/teens? Can I pray for you?

I’m serious. Have mercy on all our parenting tweens and teens souls!

2 conclusions so far:

  1. These next 12 years (I have a 6 y.o) will cost my children their inheritance… for it will be spent on Ben and Jerry’s
  2. It will also be spent on gym fees. Because I CAN and DO eat an entire pint in one sitting. *feels muffin top*
  3. I kid. There is no inheritance waiting for my kids. So I guess I am spending their therapy money on ice cream?
  4. Who am I kidding. They’re gonna pay for their own therapy. I have my own therapy to pay for.
  5. I’m kidding. I’m not in therapy right now.
  6. Operative words being “right now”.

I leave you with this… a picture. A picture of a happy family. Call it what you will… denial, positivism… But it’s proof that we are able to be happy together.

Or at the very least, fake it.

I’m kidding.

A little.

Family Bonding at a Seattle Mariner's game


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