I’m remembering that one time my guests had to poop in a bag on my toilet…

by | Nov 22, 2011 | Life | 11 comments

Ain’t no Thanksgiving like a Jenny On the Spot Thanksgiving!

It was one year ago that the Seattle area was hit with what we “survivors” call, SNOWMAGEDDON 2010. I wrote about my husband’s harrowing 8 hour commute home here.


Nor the wreck.

Nor the frozen well head…

Last November the greater Seattle area was eaten-up by a snowstorm.

We happen to live on a hill. Steep-like. Outside the city limits. With a septic system and a well.

We lost power.

So we lost water.

And heat.

And also the ability to flush the toilets.

For 3 days.

Oh, um… and it was the week of Thanksgiving.

The first night without power, we toughed it out in a house that hit 40 degrees. We high-tailed it out of our house the next morning to get coffee and some food. On our way we hit ice and a BMW.

car wreck

We ran into friends (not their car) at the store after our accident. They invited us over. We accepted.

For two days.

*Waves to Stacey and Jason*

They are SAINTS, by the way.

And they moved this summer. *pouts* Now we need to find other suckers next time we lose power.

My friend Lisa’s (Blozulfog) husband was stuck in Seattle… she was stuck in her own “podunk granola-town, every road is a hill-o-death” hell… so my husband went to pick up her, her kids and her 2 teenage boy exchange students on the corner of some country road due to steep roads with ice limitations (see crash with BMW above).

Somewhere during this time we got power back… YAY!!!! HEAT!!!

But no water.



Frozen well head, friends. Frozen.

Hitherhencetofore we had no flushing… so my husband set out to defrost the well head with a space heater and a trash can:

Trash can over space heater and well head

No really... the can was over the head and heater


But not before everyone … well… anyone who had to poo… had to poo in a bag… fashioned to the toilet.


Even the German teenage exchange student had to ask his host mom (Lisa) how to affix a plastic grocery bag onto a toilet seat so he could make brown.

This is the stuff of life.

Fortunately… the well-head defrosted (no pipe damage – YAY!) in time to get our flush and dishwashing ON… And in time to cook a fabulous Thanksgiving meal… served on paper plates.

I am such a class act.

I will never take a pilgrim for granted ever again.

Indoor plumbing, well head defrosting hacks, and paper plates — FTW!!!


*Unrelated but IMPORTANT and COOL – North Star Games is giving $1000 to my the charity of my choice – Children of the Nations!!! As a little thank you on my behalf, would you mind popping over to their their Say Anything Facebook game (right here)? The have a fun little game going… They asked a few of us if we could train a monkey to do anything – what would it be? Head there to see what I would train a monkey to do, and your answer choice will enter you for a chance to win an iPad!


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