But I am also feeling as scattered as a thing that is very scattered, so I don’t have a theme. So, as are most of my lists… And really it is not so much a list as it is numbered ramblings.
I have writer’s block.- I have TIME BLOCK.
- I have 101 + 1000 things I’d love to write about or create video of/about/around/under… but the time…
- WOE IS ME, THE TIIIIIIIIME… *dramatically places back of hand on forehead*
- I’d love to tell you about the time my son was suspended from school last spring…
- So I could tell you to spend less time teaching your kids about the danger of matches… because apparently a magnifying glass, a leaf, several boys and more leaves can put one’s son at risk of being labeled an arsonist.
- I could write about how instead of editing a video right now, I am typing this. But I wouldn’t want to state the obvious or anything.
- As much as I love video, I really love to write.
- Not profoundly.
- To be clear.
- I just have a lot going on in my brain.
- Writing is a lot like cleaning out one’s pantry.
- Or underwear drawer.
- Or…
- Speaking of underwear, my little one has enough pairs to cover the patooties of a small nation… yet not a clean pair is to be found.
- I just stopped typing for a few minutes to look at a few photos as they uploaded to iPhoto.
- Bet you wouldn’t have known unless I told you.
- I am not a betting woman.
- I don’t read magazines much anymore. An ideal evening for me would be a glass of wine, my laptop and my browser set to Pinterest.
- Pinterest makes me feel like I have good taste.
- And potential.
- To spend.
- And the potential to spend beautifully, might I add.
- Let’s see… Whatelse…
- Ah… “whatelse” isn’t one word, but it kinda-sorta should be.
- Here’s a picture of a hot dog being cooked over an open fire:
And here’s a sketch of that hot dog:
And here’s what that hot dog would have looked like in the 60’s:
And here’s the hot dog in a Santa hat:
And here he is if you had night vision goggles:
And here he is with a tattoo:
And here he is posing with a mountain goat:
And here he is with a moustache!
The End
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