Somedays seem like Mondays even though they are Thursdays.
At one point yesterday I saw the direction the day/my attitude was headed and I took Thursday by the collar and was all, “YOU ARE NOT THE BOSS OF ME, THURSDAY. YOU ARE THE BULL AND I BELIEVE I HAVE YOU BY THE HORNS, THERE BUDDY.”
Good thing no one was home to witness such things or I’d be trying to write this post with a straight jacket on.
I’m not going to bore you with the details of Thursday. This is not a stinky day competition.
Instead, allow me to sum it up with this one scenario:
Imagine… taking the bull by the horns and deciding the day’s list was going to be PWND.
On that list was “EXERCISE”.
It had been on that list for 4 days, and on the fifith day of not checking off that danged word – EXERCISE WAS GONNA GET DID OR HEADS (mine) WAS GONNA ROLL.
Seriously. I have this *thing* about me. I am a nicer, calmer, more reasonable person when I am able to sweat stuff out.
Not unlike an exorcism, but without the devil and whathaveyou.
So… I scurried and forced my way against the flow with each task and finally reached the point… to getting my car to the parking lot of the gym.
*cue angel choir*
People. I made it INTO a PARKING STALL at the gym… turned the ignition off… put on my earbuds… opened the door and… I remembered I had a web-based meeting in 30 minutes.
And no computer.
So… I pulled my hair out tore at my clothes closed the door and restarted my car.
I will omit anything that may or may not have been said inside my car with the windows rolled up.
And then I made my way back home.
And got settled for my meeting with two minutes to spare.
Because I am awesome.

I’m curious. How awesome are you? Tell me. Misery Awesome loves company.
Unrelated: I would never make it as a matador.