When people ask, “What do you do?” Is it easy to answer?
I am finding that question is exceedingly more complicated for me to answer with each passing week.
I am always “mom” and all the fun stuff that goes with that job.
But then there’s this blog thing. And. And… I stumble about… My words fall from my lips like awkward things falling from a container of awkwardness…
I’m a mom. I blog. I write a. I. Blog. And social media. And then there’s YouTube…
Even at blogging conferences I struggle with my identity.
Am I a “mommy blogger”?
A “humor blogger”?
A “review blogger”?
A social media consultant?
A video producer, director? I’m kidding. A little.
An STAR actor???
Then I have conversations like I did recently. A conversation with a non-blogging male who didn’t seem to judge my involvement in this social space, but was undoubtedly as confused as I am as to WHAT THE HECK I AM!
— Is that a rat or a squirrel??? —
I digress.
As our conversation wove through my identity crisis… he said,
So basically… you’re an entertainer.
Yeah. Entertaaaaaaaaiiiiiiner!
My name is Jenny. Jenny On the Spot. And I am an entertainer. At least for today. Now, I must away… *puts back of hand to forehead*… There are dishes. There is laundry. And my beloved – my coffee…
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