I swam 2.5 miles yesterday.

by | Aug 17, 2011 | Health, Life | 15 comments

And that’s all I got.

Oh, that and I did not drown.


I did get freaked out at one point… when I heard a hissssssssing sound coming from the bowels of Lake Washington.

I panicked-ish and looked for our kayaker (4 swimmers and a kayaker per team)… nearly calling out to him to save me from being sucked down to the bottom of Lake Washington… or to keep me from being abducted by a spacelakeship. Then I realized I was being silly.

So out of character.

I think that is pretty much about it.

Well, other than there were no 3 foot white caps this year (yay!), my left hand kept going numb and I may or may not have peed in my wetsuit.

What? Swim a mile in my wetsuit before you judge.

I think that covers it.


This is not my wetsuit. It’s the swim suit I wore under my wetsuit.

*Note: wearing yoga pants over a swimsuit does not a cute butt make.

I also got a pretty good neck-chafing. I bet you are dying to go swimming with me.

Ya know… I think I’d choose wetsuit induced neck chafing over the chafing I imagine one would get while jogging in a kilt…

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Does Carheartt make kilts?

BEDTIME! G’night!


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