My mom and dad are in town and we’re busy! From visiting the Seattle Gum Wall, to a Mariners game, to a fun, quacker-filled adventure on Ride the Ducks…
It got a little windy on the Duck, but as you can tell my daughter and husband had didn’t mind. Or did they…
My dad and my son… two of my three most favorite guys! Look at how cooperative they are being for me and my camera!
And here I am with my mom and Lucy… THREE GENERATIONS Y’ALL!
Alrighty. I’m off to torture the family with more family selfies and maybe photo-bomb my son again while he pretends to be busy on Instagram…
Do you ever play tourist in/around/near your hometown? DO YOU?! Where abouts do you live and what is the one thing you take people to do when they visit your neck of the woods?