You hear that right! I’m gonna take on Windows 8!
If you know me (ish), you may probably know that I am primarily a Mac user.
I have come to know some folks over there at Microsoft, and despite my black-sheep (Mac) ways… they still talk to me! They even gave me a little preview of what is coming this month way back in August.
So… I’m kind-of giving in. For lack of a better phrase — I have decided to give this other system a try. I have joined the Windows Champions team… which consists of a great group of bloggers who are using Windows products and sharing about their Windows expereince.
Now it’s MY turn. Why would a girl, content in the ways of her Apple-ness open herself up to this new system?
- Versatility. I think it will very good for me to learn Windows. Kind of like being able to drive a stick aaaand an automatic. A girl should be able to take control of any vehicle… be it auto or tech.
- My kids use PCs a school. This is an opportunity to help me better understand the technology they use.
- It’ll up my geekness. I think geek chicks are hot. I can use all the help I can get.
- Coming from a TOTAL newbie perspective, I aim to share with YOU awesome tips, discoveries, and cool opportunities from the Windows team.
- I bet there’s more, but I don’t even KNOW! This is only the beginning!
This, my inaugural post, is about the launch of Microsoft’s Surface and Windows 8 – which are being introduces at its retail stores this week.
Beginning on Friday, October 26th consumers and businesses across the country will be able to visit their local Microsoft retail store to get their hands on Surface, Microsoft’s first ever tablet, along with other devices running the newest version of the Windows operating system. Surface will be exclusively available at Microsoft retail store locations and at
In addition to experiencing these new products firsthand, customers will have access to experts at the store… where they can answer questions and help in purchasing and setup. There will be complimentary “out of box” training sessions at purchase so when buyers head home, their device will be ready to roll… all in addition to ongoing drop-in Windows 8 training sessions.
I was invited to attend my area event, but with family coming in, and my the dawning of my 4th decade… I will be busy applying moisturizer and stocking up on heating pads. And maybe mourning the passing of my youth… But be sure to check YOUR calendar — October 26th. THIS Friday… simply visit this link and plug in you area code to find the retail store near you!
I’m curious? What type of computer do you use? What kind of smart phone?
Unrelated, do you still have a land line?
*I am part of the Windows Champions Program and receive incentives from Microsoft to blog about its products.*
Don’t forget to visit Jenny On the Spot on Facebook. It’s just like here, but it’s not. You know, ‘cuz it’s Facebook, so… And Twitter. And YouTube. Definitely YouTube…

Peace and Sparkles!
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