Decorating doesn’t equal a huge time investment.
How about last-minute Halloween decor ideas using thrifted finds?
I think I heard you yell, “OK!”
Well, OK, then, lets look at some Halloween decor!
In case you missed my Value Village haul video from a few weeks ago, you can check it out here.
All month I have been playing with my thrifted finds from Value Village. THANK YOU Savers and Value Village for sponsoring this incredibly fun series! … Perhaps you saw my no-sew pumpkins using thrifted fabric, or what I did with thrifted frames, or what I did to my dog…
But I had SO MUCH STUFF to get creative with! You wanna see what other Halloween decor I made???
Having trouble viewing the video? Watch it here.
I know I was moving pretty fast in that video. Here are some pictures of some of those items, and a brief explanation on how I made them. Let’s start with one of the most famous Halloween characters… Frankenstein.

To go from pillow to Frankenstein, I simply spray painted the fringe (the spray painting was simple, the taping-off was NOT). Then I played around with some of the yarn I found at Value Village and hot glued Frankenstein’s face on.
It’s OK. Frankenstein can handle hot glue on his face.
I opted out of the bolts on the side of the head because… I can. I think a piece of the success behind crafting is in the details… but it is also in letting some things go. Like bolts on a pillow.
Now… brass and hurricane lamps are not necessarily something I stop for.
To get the dots on that pumpkin I used craft paint and a circle sponge. BAM.
Speaking of Pinterest ideas… I teamed up with Value Village for the Monster Mash Pin to Win contest. They asked folks to come up with Halloween-inspired Pinterest board for a chance to win a $150 gift card to use at Value Village. That contest is all wrapped up and a winner has been chosen!
*tosses glitter*
Y’all have got to check out her inspiration board – right here!
OK…. before I wrap up this series, I have one more cute creation to show you. The credit for this idea also goes to my sister-in-law. She saw potential in a rather ugly stool. A couple of coats black of paint on that stool and a painted pumpkin and you go from ugly stool and standard pumpkin to curious pumpkin with legs! Since a spider has 8 legs, maybe Miss Suspicious Pumpkin isn’t a spider, but maybe she is… Maybe she’s looking for her other 4 legs?

I found once I let myself just wander (armed with my own inspiration board on Pinterest) it was impossible NOT to come up with something. Actually, LOTS of somethings.
Well, that and a can or two of spray paint. I mean, really… Miss Spider with 4 legs? You can’t find that ready-made on a shelf at a store.

I also learned about how spray paint can make your hands messy.

*Originally posted October 29, 2013*