Half-Marathon In Under Two Hours

by | Jun 8, 2008 | Health | 11 comments

Not my ankle.

Not my arm.

Not my clavicle…

But the “2 hour wall”!!!

Half-Marathon In Under Two Hours

Today, my friend Katie and I ran the North Olympic Discovery Half-Marathon. Our training has been less than ideal as far as speed-training goes. Some may use the phrase “not at all”… So the thought of finishing in under two hours (which is actually not all that fast when one considers how fast some of these people go, but it’s relative) was just that – a thought. 

Despite our training shortcomings, finishing in under 2 hours was something we both really wanted to accomplish.

Besides, I figured if I got that goal out of the way, then any other half-marathons I run I can just… throw HO-HOs and Yoo-Hoo at to passing runners and take happy pictures standing next to the aid station volunteers… wear make-up…. maybe do a few cartwheels and pick a flower or two along the way… for my scrapbook.

I do not have the official times, but according to my calculations: Our unofficial time was 1 hour 58 minutes and 49 seconds. According to the print-out posted at the race, our official time (gun time to finish mat) was 1 hour 59 minutes and 26? seconds. I am so glad even our official time was under 2 hours!

There are lots of details I want to get down, but frankly, I am beat. The run, the finish, the amazing stomach ache and post-race emptying of the intestines throughout the day, a preschool party, a bbq with friends, and did I mention tummy troubles??? At least the latter part was all post-race, and not during the race.

Let me end with this – a picture of a happy Katie and Jenny – so thrilled to have met our ultimate goal:

In case you can’t read my shirt, it says, “Will run for chocolate.” Totally did.


Hi, I'm Jenny :)

Hi, I'm Jenny 🙂

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