So. I heard it through the grapevine (via Greeblemonkey via Rude Cactus) that today is Delurking Day.
I know people are coming by. And I have a handful of long-suffering commenters who put their 2 cents in {big squeeze}…
But MOST people do not.
To be honest, I hardly ever leave comments.
Because my comments are a snore-fest.
I shouldn’t let that stop me, though. I know how nice it feels to receive a comment – regardless of depth or wit. A comment just feels a lot like love. Unless it’s mean, then it feels a lot like not love.
I know many bloggers leave questions at the end of their posts in order to help engage their people.
I’ve tried, but those posts seem to get the fewest comments.
So, instead I ditch that and just blather about me… the beginning, the middle and the end.
Where am I going with this?
*slaps cheeks*
If you are daring enough, or have time enough… I invite you to delurk. Leave a comment!
If you don’t know what to say, but are up for the delurking challenge… just write SHAZAM.
That’s what we’ve (my fam) been saying when we burp lately. So, I guess if everyone wrote “SHULTZ” would the last person to comment be the person who gets a punch in the arm? I wonder how to do that on the interwebz…
P.S. Dear mercy I am exhausted.
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