If I have learned anything, I have learned choosing the perfect give is perfectly the MOST difficult thing to do.
What size? What color?
Oh GIFT GIVING. You’re so cute.
*Before I continue, please note: this is a sponsored post. I have partnered with Straight Talk on this… I am proud to be a Straight Talk Tester! All thoughts and tangents are my own*

My point is (I promise there is a point) when it comes to this time of year – it’s not just your own child’s tastes you need to know. It’s not one person’s birthday gift for… It’s EVERYBODY AT ONCE. It’s a bit of stress to have a list of people to buy for, including your own kids who may or may not like cheese on their sandwiches.
Enter: Straight Talk Wireless … spread #StraightTalkCheer!
It’s WAY better than a sandwich with cheese.
Straight Talk has some really great deals on the latest devices and wireless plans. They have a selection of all the leading manufacturers, like Samsung, Apple, LG, and Motorola.
You can start shopping for the perfect gift right here.
And by wireless plans I mean, planS. There are several plans (starting at $30 a month) and even an international plan. With the $45 plan, you will find options to purchase multiples months and save more! I know how it is… budgets are set. Budgets change. With a variety of available plans through Straight Talk, there is certainly one that will fit your giftee’s needs and YOUR budget. With Straight Talk you can shop for a phone and a plan, or bring your own and shop just plans. Heck, you can bring your own tablet. But I will say, unwrapping a shiny new device is pretty sweet!
WAY sweeter than cheese on a sandwich.
You know what else is better that cheese on a sandwich? SAVING MONEY.
Switch and save with Straight Talk’s no-contract $45 30-day plan with unlimited talk, text and data (with the first 3GB at high speed). You know what saving money on gifts means? It means you can treat you and your family to some extra holiday goodness!
It’s really a win-win. Give a gift that wins. Save some dough. Have more money left over to enjoy the season!
What would you do with your savings?
Hey! How about a tech-lovers gift guide?
- • A phone… for the person you need to keep tabs on/the teen who won’t stop begging.
- • A personalized phone case… for the fashionista. Etsy is the BOSS of personalized.
- • A nice set of earbuds… for the hipster in your life.
- • One of Straight Talk’s plans… for $45 you can take care of a month of service! Or several months if you choose!
- • How about a wireless remote for taking pictures? This Muku Shutter Remote is actually and LITERALLY on MY list… the list I give to others so they know what to buy me. I hope my husband reads my blog.
- • How about tickets to a ride on that horse drawn carriage to see lights through town? You can probably even get dinner with the extra money in your pocket from all your savings by choosing a Straight Talk phone and plan. Can I come?
I think they call that #StraightTalkCheer!
Seriously. Can I come? I love looking at Christmas lights… And horse drawn carriages.
And cheese on my sandwich. Extra cheese.
You can find Straight Talk on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and even YouTube!