So. I have this friend… Laurie (a.k.a. Tip Junkie), and we were chatting on the tele the other day.
Laurie and I have shared some really good times..
And add Mom Spark into the mix… Whoa Nellie!!!
[picture credit: Amy/Mom Spark]
Aaanywho… Laurie and I were talking about intentions (we talked about that Amy too!) and goals and growing and moving forward and business online-ness and all kinds of stuff that leaves a girl feeling all “mountain toppy”…
And then she was all, “You know… you should make a LIFE LIST!”
And that young Laurie has a way of making lists sound perky.
And then she told me her list consists of things she’d like to attain/do/accomplish by the time she’s 40.
And then I reached for my cane to hit her got real frustrated because she has several more years to work on her “By the Time I’m 40 Life List” than I do.
But I digress {brows furrow}.
I figure since I’m not getting any younger… and the thought of turning 38 (shhhh, don’t tell Hollywood!) actually made my belly churn today (like it did that one time before I went bungee jumping)… I figured I should make this list before I need bifocals I can’t find.
Sidebar: my 5 year old asked how old I was going to be. When I fessed up and told her 38 she FREAKED, “THIRTY. EIGHT???!!! THAT’S MORE THAN ALL THE KIDS IN MY WHOLE CLASS!!! THAT’S FREAKISHLY OLD AWESOME!”
In that moment I swear I felt every one of my bones degenerate as each consonant she shrieked pounded my frail, old ears… and my dentures almost fell out.
But I digress… Life List…
I’m not sure how many things should be on a life list. Since this life list has a 2 year focus… Focus? What does that even mean? Isn’t that a car?
In random order… Here follows my list of things to PWN by the time I am 40:
- Hit my goal weight if only for ONE day… or at least get close enough to be able to say, “I am only one stomach flu away from my goal-weight!”
- Figure out what my goal weight actually IS.
- Pay off Sallie Mae.
- I’m not kidding. I still have 1 college loan out.
- Guest host SNL.
- Kathy Bates didn’t get an Oscar until she was 42, so…
- They give Academy Awards to SNL guest hosts, right?
- Never give up hope…
- Change my middle name to Hope… for good measure.
- Get a tattoo… that my middle daughter would never see… because it would break her heart for her mama to get a tattoo.
- Or not get a tattoo and use the money for some really hot boots, and take my middle daughter to lunch.
- Or Hawaii.
- Go to Hawaii.
- Go ANYWHERE tropical.
- … paid for in cash OR… *insert your name here if you are in a position to offer a old woman blogger and her husband/family the opportunity to go somewhere tropical via a creative work-relationship or completely free*
- This next one is ambitious… work with a team to bring a women-centered (but not exclusive to the females) social media & creative learning Event of Awesome to the Pacific Northwest.
- Not be afraid that I just stated that.
- Why do I feel like winning an Oscar is more attainable than organizing an Event of Awesome?
- Start a community site for local bloggers.
- I have a URL, just not the time.
- None time.
- But I sleep with a designer.
- Become mayor of a Starbucks. If only for a day… *raises fist to Foursquare & “regulars”*
- Replace stock photos in picture frames in my home with pictures of my family and/or friends.
- Become a rock star.
- Fall out of love with sugar.
- Host a regular segment on a talk show.
- Not unrelated, confirm that “Denial” is not a river in Egypt.
- I don’t think I have the focus time to host an entire talk show… that’ll be on my “before I’m 45 life list”.
- Or on the list of topics to speak with a therapist about.
- Therapy. I hear that’s something people do. Let’s add that.
- By the time I am 40, I will finally understand what aperture is and own a camera that needs me to understand what aperture is. *Nikon, are you listening?*
- Oh, oh! I will be the boss of Photoshop… like Al Capone was the boss of the Mob!
- I already know how to swim, so… I can’t add that…
- But I am wildly afraid of jellyfish and sharks.
- And bees.
- I fully intend to keep being afraid of all three.
- My garage is filled with 2 years of intended garage-sale items. By the time I am 40, it will all be sold, given away or burned (shhhhh, don’t tell the county!)…
- I want to be a more confident public speaker… hitherhencetofore, be a sought-out sthpeaker.
- Figure out something to speak on that people seek-out.
- Fear of bees, jelly fish and sharks?
- I’d like to pay off our house.
- I’m kidding.
- I’m not kidding.
- But it could happen.
- How does the lottery work?
- When a person wins an Oscar, the Oscar people pay the winner’s mortgage off, yes?
- I’m thinking I should make sure I move “therapy” to the top of this list.
Keep up on the ridiculous, the insightful, the always digressive…
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