From a Thanksgiving with new friends, to family pictures, to ice skating, to a doggy time-out (or two), to a GNOMINATION… this past weekend was, well… a pretty wonderful long weekend. Writing it out makes it sound busier than it felt. Actually, it was a perfect pace of doing and not doing.

This pic (above) was taken right after we loaded back in the car from family pics at a tree farm. Unimpressed kids were unimpressed. And one kid is chowing down on a candy cane. Tough life, right? Mom and dad? Just having fun… BECAUSE!
But let’s go back a day. Or two…
Some new-ish friends got to join us for Thanksgiving. A whole family! Well, except for their mama… she was sick (boo hiss!)…

Yes, my plates are not matchy-matchy, but I don’t care. My napkins are not matchy either. Also, I don’t care. Yes, there is only meat on the table, but don’t worry… there were almost more side dishes than there were people, but they were on the island — buffet style!
And pies. There were pies…
Oh, and the kids set the table so…. I WIN THANKSGIVING!!!
My husband drew a picture of a BIG turkey, per the girls’ request. Then they colored it, drew up and cut out turkey wattles, and we wrapped up our Thanksgiving belly-stuffing fest pinning the wattle on the turkey…

The day after Thanksgiving we had leftovers.
Kevin did too.
Read: put his big-ol dog paws up on the counter and chowed-down on the leftover ham.
Punk dog.
So I made him lie down for punishment.

For a very long time. But, rest assured, he didn’t lie down for forever.
He was eventually spotted photo bombing my “I may have a fake tree problem” Instagram shot:

And then we went to The Nutcracker, performed by a local dance studio… that my girls go to…. but neither wanted to try out for it… which is fine… we are still coming out of our Cinderella stupor… and I think I might have gone insane and runndeddded far far away if we had added another performance week into our lives…
Oh but the performance was simply MARVELOUS.

Then we went to bed.
And then we got up.
We hopped in the car and headed to Seattle… to get some family pictures taken. I’m excited to see how they turned out!
Since we were on the Seatle side, we headed to the Seattle Center for some ice skating.
On our drive there, I peeked at my Instagram and saw a photo from my girl Lisa. Turns out HER FAMILY was at the Seattle Center!!! I texted her and was all, “WHERE ARE YOU RIGHT NOW?”
And she was all, ”WHERE ARE YOU???!!!”
And we were all, “OMG!!!”

The boys. Ice skating. Not falling. At this moment…
And the girls… All upright and having fun!

After skating, we wandered around the Seattle Center for a bit. We found ourselves at the International Fountain… and the kids found themselves testing their luck…

Fortunately, none of them got wet.
But Lucy did get GNOME-inated…

Gnomes were wandering near the fountain… and one of the gnomes gave Lucy her very own gnome hat and gnome name: Misty Window.
Speaking of gnomes…

Lisa and I were tickled to have found each other and to have had the opportunity to hang out – families included. We even got to all go to dinner together. We NEVER get to do that anymore. It was truly one of those moments where you are all, “That. This. Love.”
Aaaaand Kevin. When we got home, I think he was a little jealy that we had such a fun day without him. But he’s OK. He has a constant look of discontent. It’s his way of getting extra attention. He knows how to work it.

So… what have YOU been up to???
Don’t forget to visit Jenny On the Spot on Facebook. It’s just like here, but it’s not. You know, ‘cuz it’s Facebook, so… And Twitter. And YouTube. Definitely YouTube…

Peace and Sparkles!
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