This Is Jenny… Jenny On the Spot LIVE in Nashville

by | Feb 6, 2011 | Uncategorized | 3 comments


So maybe I’m being a little dRaMatiC.


So, it wasn’t *LIVE*, except for when it was recorded. However, I made the cut and made it on the news over there in Nashville for while attending the Blissdom Conference! *BOOM*

You can view the interview here.

(I’d embed, but it will not embed correctly, my amends)

I. Know! And props to my co-interviewees @PaulaBruno and @DiaperDiaries! *fist bump* ladies!

But I am not a local news newbie. I was on Seattle’s King 5 News about a year ago – for the Jingle Bell run. It was about .015 seconds of fame. And antlers on my head. You’ll just have to trust me on that.


And I am still waiting for that call from Evening Magazine to talk to me about my Best of Western Washington Best Parenting Blog win. Cuz… yeah. I haz got parenting tips. Especially if they want to talk about what NOT to do.

So. What’s next? I’m not sure. I kinda feel like my EGOT may be closer than I think. I was interviewed by News Channel 5’s very own Marcus Washington. He did ask something about future plans… I joked about perhaps something in television.

But I was really joking, now was I? *flips hair*


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Hi, I'm Jenny 🙂

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