Explaining Lent and Fat Tuesday to the Children

by | Feb 18, 2010 | Parenting/Family | 7 comments


I took the kids to the grocery store with me because I love taking my kids into public.

Explaining Lent and Fat Tuesday to the Children

I guess I am a self-punisher.

It builds character. The punishing.

And MAN, have I earned my fair share of character in these 10+ years of mothering.

It was Fat Tuesday… and the grocery store folks were wearing Mardi Gras beads.

Being the “with it” kind of gal that I am, I asked, “Why the beads, yo? I love the bling!”

She was all, “FAT TUESDAY … yadda, yadda, yadda …Mardi Gras!”

Explaining Fat Tuesday & Lent to the children

Oh. Right.

As we walked away, the questions came from the kids: “What’s Fat Tuesday? What’s Mardi Gras?”

I said something about Lent.

“What’s Lent?”

What’s with the inquisition?! Kids and questions…

I boiled it down for them: on Fat Tuesday people get to indulge the day before giving up something they love for 40 days.

Then, as moms do, I went straight into filling them in on their chores for the day.

No time to waste.

Joel (10): Can we work really hard all day today? Then… we can give up working for LENT?!

Me: You have to give up something you LOVE, dude.

From the back seat, my sweet 7 year-old daughter contributes her two cents..

I love work.


I am sooooo out-numbered.

If you are here looking for information on actually explaining Lent to your kiddos, here is an article that you might find a bit more helpful that a story about my kids trying to get out of chores for forty days… How to Talk to Kids About Lent.

Hi, I'm Jenny :)

Hi, I'm Jenny 🙂

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