DIY Advent Calendar

by | Dec 11, 2008 | Artsy Craftsy | 16 comments

I nearly glued myself to death, but I lived to tell the tale… My DIY Advent Calendar:

You can make one too! Let me show you how!  You’ll need do-dads and numbers and pockety-envelopes and glue-stuff and ribbon and glitterfication product, and a canvas and a big spot to mess-up and paint and a little foamy-brush-thing — to paint and glue with.

You will need to paint your canvas. Then lay out your envelopes… the picture below gives greater detail:


Adhere your decorated pockety-envelopes with Mod Podge. I suggest not gluing to the edges of the pocket. Leave a quarter inch or so. It’ll allow your pocket some room to grow when you insert your treats. I made the mistake of applying glue to the very edges. I am able to get one candy kiss in any one pocket. 3 kisses should fit easily if you leave some room for “stretching”. 

Now fill the pockets! Candy kisses, mints, mini candy canes, have the kids share a Hershey bar (4 squares each!), we did a movie night, paint your own pottery is coming soon… and we’ll be decorating cookies one evening too!  I added the picture below to give you an idea of the true-life size… That’s my 3 year-old Lucy standing next to our calendar.

If I were to change anything… I might consider a more sturdy pocket. The pockets could tear rather easily because they are paper. We’ve not had any problems, but I’d like this to last several years.


Hi, I'm Jenny :)

Hi, I'm Jenny 🙂

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