Diaper drive!!!
Last year, I set-up at table at Central Market and along with my dear friend Lisa and my wonderful husband – we held a diaper drive to raise diapers for a local event – Operation Day of Hope…
And guess what?
September 17th & 24th
North Entrance of Central Market, Poulsbo
Operation Day of Hope is a community outreach event sponsored by Gateway Fellowship. I do not attend Gateway, but we share this great community and I love being able to help meet a need in this community I love.
Operation Day of Hope is a one-day event that provides free services to those in our community in need…
Haircuts, family photos, manicures, hot meals, legal.financial services, coats, canned goods, social service advice, dental education/screening, a mobile dental unit, job assistance info, a foot care clinic, emergency and disaster preparedness seminars and… DIAPERS.
Diapers are a need. Food stamps don’t provide diapers. Diapers are not inexpensive – even the inexpensive ones.
Last year we raised almost 950 from diaper donations and cash. The 950 diapers were handed-out in about an hour and a half last year. I am hoping that this year we will have enough diapers to last the day this time…
Please share with your network about this drive! Ask friends to swing by Central Market this Saturday or next to make even a small cash donation. I know diapers are expensive, but combining our resources can help up gather enough to meet the needs of each family that walks into the doors of Operation Day of Hope (Oct. 8th).
If you are busy on the 17th or 24th – no worries! Gateway Fellowship will accept diapers during office hours as well… or drop me a comment/email to work something out.
AND/OR… If you or someone you know can use any of the provided services Operation Day of Hope is offering… Operation Day of Hope is being held at Gateway Fellowship in Poulsbo on October 8th… from 10 to 2.
Thanks friends.
Peace and Sparkles.
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