I have a secret board on Pinterest for tattoos. I do.
If you follow me on Pinterest, you will not see me pinning any tats, but I AM pinning them
I have been *thinking* about perhaps getting a small tattoo *here* or *there*.
I hear that if you get a tattoo, get it in a place a judge can’t see it.
Since I have good taste in all things (especially chocolate and coffee), I figure the tattoo ideas I am admiring are pretty tasteful as well. The ideas range from words that remind me to focus on things I need to be reminded to focus on: joy, shine, be lovely, create… to simple (and dainty) images of stars, hearts, birds, arrows.
But a friend on Facebook today posted a quote from Julia Child,
A party without a cake is just a meeting.
I bet no has THAT phrase tattoo’d anywhere!
OOOH!!!! I know… HOW ABOUT A CAKE TATTOO!!! Maybe something like this one?
Another idea I’ve been kicking around is the logo for the woman I have long put on a pedestal.
In fact, when I was a young girl, I wore her Underoos. I remember punching through and “flying” out the window of my playhouse (wearing my Underoos), pretending to come to the rescue of commonfolk everywhere… The woman?
It’s not that I think I am so wonderful. Or powerful.
I don’t carry a golden lasso.
I use my Wonder Woman mug the most of all my mugs, especially when I am feeling the least Wonder Womanly.
I have a Wonder Woman bangle, because my husband is awesome and got it for me…
I’m thinking of taking it to the next level.
Or not.
Of all the things I have looked at tattoo-wise, this is the one that sticks. But I am also one of those mom-types with the philosophy that this thing will be ON you all your life, so… When I’m 80, will I regret a WW on my wrist (or where ever)?
It is entirely possible that when I’m 80 I will love me more, and have even more reason to be sporting a WW tat on my wrist.
Or I will look at it and tell me, “What kind of asinine…” And then forget what I was thinking and adjust my nose stud.
I will also wear my gray hair long. And it will drive me crazy to have my hair in my face. But I won’t cut it. Because even at 80, I will know that short hair isn’t my *thing*.
This almost sounds like I’ve made my decision. But I haven’t. Maybe I have and I just don’t know it yet. Rest assured, if I do it, there will be a Take It On Tuesday to catalog the adventure!
Here’s a question… do you have a tattoo? If so, what and where. If you do not, why and if applicable… would you?
Or this question… do you think I should do it?