Inside your closet.
On Feb. 12, the inside of my closet was not photo worthy. Plus, also, and moreover closets are dark and not given to nice photography. And to be honest, I wasn’t in the mood to clean my closet in order to take a picture. I mean, I could have taken a picture of my closet WITHOUT cleaning it, but then you’d see things that could not be unseen, and my ego and such… So this is the extent of my “real”.
(Confession: One of my dreams is to have all matching hangers in my closet.)
(I’m serious)
(I know. LAME.)
(I also dream of world peace.)
(Does adding the part about world peace help me not seem as shallow?)
I love blue. I also love the blue hat I spied at Forever 21.
Why didn’t I get that hat? Oh probably because I lack the nerve to actually wear it in public.
It’s a shame, because ain’t nothin’ but happy all up in that hat…
Feb. 14 was “heart”. FOR OBVIOUS REASONS. There were lots of hearts to snap pictures of that day, but this is the one I love the mostliest…
(Hearted-apples by: The Husband)
Feb. 15. Phone. I luh this phone. She was a working phone at one point. Like, I have actually had conversations on this phone. I think she has been in my life since I have been breathing air. And let’s just say I have breathed my fair amount of air…
I love you, Phone…
Ahhh… something new… This is a new shirt. I am heading to Blissdom in a few short days. She is coming with me…
Time. I didn’t want to take a picture of a clock. *yawn*
The husband’s office moved this last week. The kids and I made a trip to the city to check out the new digs. To get to the city we must take a ferry. We don’t drive across if we don’t have to (read: $$$). So on the 17th we walked…
And drink.
They take vanilla steamers. I take cocoa cappuccinos. Or caramel macchiatos. Nonfat, of course.
What have you been drinkin’ lately?
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