Who wants a little step-by-step on a monthly layout for your trusty bullet journal?
Bullet Journal Monthly Layout Tutorial
I find I NEED a monthly layout in my journal. Sure, I have my online daily calendar, and even my week-at-a-glance calendar (tutorial here), but there’s just something about being able to scan a month to know in a glance how much trouble I am in.
There’s comfort in seeing gaps.
That snapshot of our August 2017 is not a snapshot of my final, filled-out calendar, by the way.
But I digress. When a glance at the month makes it feel like the month is too full, it helps me make planning decisions (like curling in a ball and crying) as I work to create some gaps in my calendar… either for emergency, sanity, or creative pursuit.
Right now, my October calendar (because it’s October now and not August… like the calendar in this video so yes I shot this video months ago I told you it’s been busy) is drawn-up but not filled out because there hasn’t even been time to fill it in.
So there’s that.
No wonder I keep missing appointments.
So why don’t you just watch this and I’ll go finish filling out my calendar for this month… Or at least pour more coffee.

And that’s it, friends.
As far as tools?… here’s some items over there on Amazon if you want to start and not have to put on pants (please note that these are all affiliate links, and all links to the specific tools I use and have purchased: the Bullet Journal, Flair pens, and White out correction tape! As far as items I use CONSTANTLY, but not seen in this video washi tape and a pen bag … I have this one by Bando, but it’s white and hot pink. It holds a dozen or so pens, my white out, and a couple rolls of washi tape.
Peace. Sparkles.