My amends in advance.
I realize the following post might be a bit racier in content than my usual talk of peonies, or dog vomit, or coffee…
But folks. If I can’t talk about married sex up here on mah blawg, then…
To be clear… This post is about sex.
In case it was unclear up to this point.
And Dad… You may want to skip this one.
The following is a real-life convo between my huz and me:
The Huz (sitting on couch, working on laptop): Hey. When can we make-out and stuff?
Me (half-running up the stairs to the office in my bedroom… racing to plug in my dying laptop): Create an iCal event and invite me.
And so he did:
Two minutes in heaven… It’s business time.
What? You don’t use iCal?
It’s a great business tool.
Heh. Heh.
I should probably go.
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