I did NOT make an Xbox cake.
Sure… I could have made it… but I didn’t.
My sister-in-law made it for my nephew’s birthday. I am pretty sure, though, that somehow that cake was inspired by me. Pretty sure. One thing I am certain of, however is this: my sister-in-law is pretty much made out of Awesome. Ya wanna know why? She saved me a row of cake:
But you don’t care about my row of cake… now do you? You want to see the masterpiece created by the genius hands of my SIL… Yes you do… and the “frosting” is fondant:
Pretty incredible – ehh? I helped. I ate a row of cake. I also watched her roll out the fondant. Hey! Here’s a close-up of the controllers. The black knobbies are made out of gum paste:
I made a cake decorated with fondant once. I tried to make fondant ribbons (the cake was supposed to be a wrapped baby shower gift cake). I almost lost my salvation over that.
Making fondant defy gravity is not for the faint of heart. I actually made it for my SIL’s baby shower… I ended up having to use curling ribbon for my “present” cake.
It turned out cute despite my failing, but my vision was FONDANT ribbons. I am not happy when my vision … um… is impaired…
In short, I pretty much attempted to do something even trained professionals run from. So, really, Kerry (my SIL) had it easy compared to me. I mean… alls she had to do was roll out feet of fondant, cut cake into the shape of controllers, research gum paste, cook several cakes, make the frosting to go under the fondant, poke a billion holes, and just a few other detail Xbox-y items.
I leave you with one word of wisdom: if you decide to work with fondant — buy it already made. Do yourself a favor… working with fondant is infuriating, but obviously can have a big pay-off. Don’t add to your burden by making the stuff. You will save a bundle in sanity.