I don’t know about you, but… ever since the invention of the CAMERA PHONE…. I do haz a lotz of picturez.
And then there’s Instagram, which makes you feel like there is even MORE of a reason to take pictures of things like… YOUR FOOD, etc and whathaveyou.
I was going to do a little collage of my favorite 12 Instagram shots from the summer… then I decided I’d use 18 photos… then 27…
Oh heck! How about 36!
My forte is not deciding… it is taking pictures with my phone and then filtering them through Instagram, so choosing 36 pictures from the summer is actually rather conservative if you think about.
I am an over-sharer. So sue me!
No, don’t sue me.
We have just a touch over a week before school starts. This summer has been a whirlwind. Between our family road trip and a couple of biz-related trips, I have been away from home for more than a month of the summer… a bit of an adjustment for this girl. But I am SO thankful for all our adventures and a supportive family. This summer gave us precious time with friends, time with each other… a little bit of sunshine… I discovered espresso over ice cream… even the extra 4500 miles on the our van. Which reminds me, I better get that girl in for an oil change! She could also use a good cleaning. Or three.
How about you? What filled your summer days?
(DISCLOSURE: So I do not misrepresent… I did NOT take pictures of the times I cried because I get overwhelmed and feel guilty about balls I am always dropping, nor pictures of me drowning in laundry, nor the bottom of my dirty feet from my dirty floors… nor the kitchen sink overflowing with dirty dishes… nor did I share the pictures of my neck when it does that awful foldy-thing when I take a self-shot from a bad angle… just so you know… that stuff happens too… I just don’t often get as excited about sharing THOSE pictures *wink*…)
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