Nothing new here today… I poured my heart out over there at the Huffington Post. On the day it went up, if you clicked on the Healthy Living tab, then selected Becoming Fearless… this is what came up:
Thats my article on how my daughter is teaching my the art of becoming fearless (that is not my daughter, FYI… our ballet pictures were… um… blurry. It’s hard to get a picture of Lucy without at least all little blur *wink*…)
I wrote, “…She inspires me to be brave. She inspires me to dream not only for her and my family, but for me. She has shown me in that little 5-, then 6-, now 7-year-old self how to knock down walls.” To read all about it, I invite you to read Dream Big: My Daughter Teaches Me About Fearlessness here… I’d squee and jump up and down if you were moved enough add your comment there (comments closed here). I’d love to hear from you… who touches your life? Who teaches you to be fearless?
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