An Instagram photo a day challenge for BlogHer 12?
Bellieeee dat!
We are 2 weeks away from BlogHer 12 and HAVE MERCY ON MY SOUL… WHO’S PACKED?
*not me*
I am not packed, but I put in a little time creating a little photo-a-day-ness (on PicMonkey!)… who wants to play too?
So… Wanna join in? We (yes WE) start BEFORE the conference starts! Monday, July 30 because…
I want to see everybody freaking out while trying to pack and get ready.
Just take a picture and hashtag #photoadayblogher and #blogher12… and each day chose a fitting hashtag “prompt” and tag your little heart out!
Or you can blog your pics. You’re creative! I’m not the boss of you!
For the record – I am @jennyonthespot on BOTH Instagram and Twitter. So, that’s pretty easy, right? if we haven’t hooked-up – LETS!
And for those of you dear friends NOT going to BlogHer in NYC… I don’t want you to feel left out.
I do not.
You can still join in! Maybe add something like #herenotthere or… #noplacelikehome or #sleepinginmyownbed or #jealous or #notjealous or #hastagabuse… or #HEYJOTSLOOKATME
I would totes look at you. I am a bit too curious for my own good not to. And then you would totally be showing off how much better it is to be roasting smores or going grocery shopping or pushing your kid on a swing at the park or not getting nearly killed in a pedicab.
I feel like I’ve gone off track…
Aaaanywho… Who’s in? Leave your Instagram and/or Twitter id so I am sure to follow you if I don’t already.
That’s another one – #awesome!
Peace and sparkles! Perhaps I’ll be seeing you in NYC… maybe in an elevator, or sipping martinis, or running late for a session, or eating a unicorn cake, or in the vendor hall, or in Central. Stinkin’. Park! !!!
I talk/write too much.
My amends.
And love.
Never miss a thing! Get JOTS latest adventures via email or in your blog reader. Are you on Facebook? Oh goodie, I’m there too! And Pinterest. And Twitter… and jennyonthespot on Instagram!