How is your 2019 so far?
2019 So Far…
If you subscribe to my newsletter, you may have gotten a bit of an idea of how 2019 is going for me so far. By the way, some links may be affiliate/referral links. Affiliate links are no cost to you, but if you end up shopping from one of those links I may receive a small percentage.
If you are not a subscriber… WHY NOT? (You can do that here). If you are curious, you can read the latest right here.
It’s been a bit bumpy, which has lead to some new ventures for me. Like my online shop. Have you visited? I bet you’ll be surprised by the name…
I’ve also expanded my Etsy shop a bit… I launched it as a printable shop, but am adding some of my handmade projects there as well.

Meanwhile, JOTS Shop is being stocked with things I find adorable and irresistible… some fashion… some accessories, graphic tees and sweatshirts (printed on-demand, not by me, so they are shopped separate from the rest of my inventory)…

Yadda, yadda, yadda… 2019 so far…
Spotify shared with me my most listened to songs of 2018. I thought I’d share the list with you so you can rock out properly. Related: my tops songs of 2019 might be the exact same songs since my Top 2018 Played songs is currently my FAVORITE PLAYLIST:

Books (paper) I am reading right now:
- Called to Create
- Brave Love
- DotComSecrets
- Savor (devotional)
- The Ministry of Ordinary Places (Actually finished in January. This will go on regular rotation for me. LOVED this book. An absolute must-read.)
Books I have/am listening to (via… like Audible, but supports local, independent bookstores!)
- Everybody, Always (search for audiobook here, book here)
- Cottage By the Sea (search for audiobook here, book here)
- The Today’s Mama PodcastĀ (MyĀ friendĀ Rachael’sĀ podcast.Ā Parents…Ā thisĀ isĀ aĀ MUSTĀ listen!)
- Something Was Wrong (NEW podcast created by my friend Tiffany… if you are into suspense and crime-ish podcasts… OMGOSH!)
- TED Radio Hour
- The Moth
I shared this post on parenting teens written by Janelle of Renegade Mothering on my JOTS Facebook page. And like WHOA YOU GUYS. This really hit a chord and makes me want to pull back the curtain I have been living behind in my own “OMG I HAVE THREE TEENAGERS” journey.
What’s tough is, sharing this journey of parting teens is tricky. At least for me. I know my kids’ friends know I have a blog and it’s hard to share my side of the stor(ies) without revealing things about my kids that I suspect they would prefer I keep within our family.
I am trying to process through ways to keep it real here with you, while honoring the privacy of my teens. But that post NAILED IT and CRACKED IT OPEN. We (parents of teens) NEED each other. In most cases the crises we face are not unique to us and our teen(s)… but it sure can feel that way. We do need to know we are not alone. Though community doesn’t make the problems/eyerolling/attitude go away, there is a place to go for comfort… and advice from troops that have been in the trenches who have some pretty great ideas. I could go on, but I will save it for another post. For now, go subscribe to a few podcasts, get a couple books, and update your Spotify playlist… *wink wink*.