WINTER DRIVING TIPS and Bridgestone Blizzak Winter Tires

by | Nov 10, 2014 | Travel

. So.

Why would a gal whose mind is primarily focused on sparkly things, teen & tween things, unboxing things, cooking things, and occasionally DIYing things think about WINTER TIRES?

Well, in between all those other things, I am driving.

I actually drive more than I do all those other things.

So when I was invited by Bridgestone to check out their Blizzak winter tires I was genuinely interested.

Plus, I have a teen driver with a permit. If ever I was obsessed with road safety… IT’S NOW.

The tires we were introduced to were the Bridgestone Blizzak Winter Tires. And I was introduced to the term – BIOMIMICRY.

According to it is “A new science that studies nature’s models and then uses these designs and processes to solve human problems.”

Basically the science behind the development of the Blizzak tires has a lot to do with THAT. And gecko feet. And polar bear paws…


polarbearYou know me, and I’m not particularly science-y but this science makes sense.

But does this really make a difference on the road?

I believe it does.

I got to watch winter and non-winter tires in action on an ice rink…

bridgestoneThe sum of my experience is: driving on winter tires during winter is safer.

Better acceleration. More control. Better stop response.


But winter tires are not for the entire year. A benefit to winter tires (in addition to added road safety) is your year-round tires last longer… on account of the fact they get a 3-6 month break, depending on the winter you have in your area.

Bridgestone has a handy-dandy winter map that will tell you if it’s time for winter tires in your area. Here is what it told me…

Birdgestone Winter Map

I learned a whole lot more at the driving experience (about tread depth, and ice melt, and…), but my aim is not to fill your head with a bunch of stuff might make your head spin. My aim is to let you know there are these things (WINTER TIRES) you can put on your car in winter that will help keep you and your family safer on winter roads. Treacherous roads, at times.

The Bridgestone Blizzak family of tires appears to have an assortment of great tires, with awesome science behind them to choose from.

Where to find?


In fact, Tire Rack is so committed to winter road safety, they have shared their own W.I.N.T.E.R. Tips. Ladies and gentlemen… Tire rack’s Winter Driving Tips!

Winter Tires Are Worth It: The best way to improve winter/snow tire traction and increase safety is with a set of dedicated winter/snow tires. For a cost less than the deductible on most insurance policies, a set of four, typical winter snow tires can last three or more winter seasons and increase the life span of your other tires when they are only driven in spring, summer and fall. (You can review the benefits here.)

In Traction We Trust: Traction loss appears as ambient temperatures near freezing, even without slush or snow on the road. Lower temperatures reduce a tire’s flexibility and grip. At 32 degrees, the tread rubber on the summer tires found on many performance vehicles becomes so stiff it offers little traction.

Never Forget the Pressure: The air inside your tires supports the weight of your car. For every 10-degree drop in temperature, tires lose about one pound per square inch (psi) of air pressure. (I HAD NO IDEA!) Underinflated tires offer less traction, can reduce fuel mileage, can wear out prematurely and cause irreparable damage that compromises their durability. Check tire pressures monthly with a quality air pressure gauge.

Tread Depth Matters: If sleet, slush and snow-covered roads are in your future, replace tires when they reach approximately 5/32″ of remaining tread depth to maintain good mobility. Tires with more tread depth offer additional traction to claw their way through sleet, slush and snow.

If the winter season means rain and wet roads in your area or where you’re traveling to, consider replacing tires when they reach approximately 4/32″ of remaining tread depth. Use a quarter, not a penny, to measure tread depth. Tire Rack’s team proved through testing that insufficient tread depth doubles your stopping distance. Adequate tread reduces hydroplaning and helps prevent accidents. Too little is never enough.

Extra Room and Don’t Tailgate: Adding distance behind the vehicle ahead gives you more time to react and extra distance to stop. While it’s often recommended to follow two seconds behind at 30 mph and four seconds at 60 mph, those times should be doubled in wet conditions and tripled for snow.

Remain a Smooth Operator: Accelerate, brake and steer as if you had a full cup of hot coffee on the dashboard. This helps improve fuel mileage and prevent loss of control.

And there you have it. Tires. Winter tires. Now I guess I need to look at our budget and see how to make a set work for our family car.

What do think? Is it worth it?

*This is not a sponsored post. I was provided travel accommodations, but no compensation.Logo_Tire Rack Winter Driving Experience, Powered by Bridgestone Blizzak

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