Who Wants Cuties? #IWantCuties!

by | Dec 15, 2015 | Food & Drink, Sponsored

This is a busy time of year, right?

*This post is sponsored by SocialMoms and Cuties. All opinions and chatter about snack-sized cuteness are my own.*

The parts of the busy-ness I love have to do with the tradition, and the decorating, and the events that create reasons to see friends and family more.

Then again, there’s the DARK side of the busy-ness… chores and feeding the children. That’s why I am the happiest mom ever when I find foods I can offer my kids that are healthy.

Take, for example, Cuties.


Not only are the healthy, they are EASY.

They are portable.

Perfectly sized for snacking, aaaaaaaaand kids can peel Cuties on their own – no need to use a knife or ANY tool!

Just peel and go.

Less is more!

It feels good to know I have healthy stand-by in the busy and even the not-so-busy times.


I keep the fruit bowl in a spot even the youngest can reach.

In fact, Lucy asked the other day, “How many Cuties can I pack in my lunch, mom? They’re just… SO… GOOD!”

Who wants Cuties? #IWantCuties!

So when the kids tell me, “MOM. I’M HUNGRY”

I just say, “Grab a Cutie.”


Or as we are running out the door to catch the bus for school (because when are we ever just walking out the door?) I can query… “DO YOU HAVE A SNACK IN YOUR BACKPACK?”

The answer is often, “I grabbed a Cutie, Mom.”


In this little world we live in when easy-to-grab foods abound, the opportunity to make not-so-healthy choices are just as abundant. I take it as a personal mission to keep things at the ready to work in healthier choices. Cuties are definitely part of that strategy in my home.

However, I think the biggest win is not that I love this snack option. The biggest win is MY KIDS love this healthy, and most convenient snack option.


Cuties has a free song download for you here. And check out THIS CUTE Cutie video

How about you? Show a photo of your kids’ sweetest (dance) moves -post a pic using #IWantCuties for the chance to win some Cuties!

I love that I can buy a bunch of Cuties at one time, dump them in a bowl, and leave them out so anyone can get to them any time they want. A snack that fosters independence AND gives me a little snack-prep reprieve… Who wants Cuties? #IWantCuties!

*This blog post is part of a paid SocialMoms and Cuties blogging program. The opinions and ideas expressed here are my own.*

You can visit Cuties online! Check them out: websiteFacebookTwitterPinterest and, Google+!

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Hi, I'm Jenny 🙂

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