Ish. Here follows a few photos pulled from some happenings over the last week. Ish.
I had forgotten about these little stories that have peppered the last week. I’ve had a bad case of the writer’s block, so I am especially thankful for photo-taking technology.
I had some flight issues which resulted in a $10 food voucher at the airport. So, this is what I got:

I picked up my son from school one afternoon. We had some time to kill so we wandered downtown and got ice cream (well, HE got ice cream, I got coffee!). We walked along the waterfront in the sunshine, and the sun was so bright! (((HOW BRIGHT WAS IT???!))) It was SO bright, even with sunglasses the sun was blinding… Here’s proof!

I got a flat tire. Turns out there was probably a nail in the tire.
But the nail fell out.
Gosh. Are you feeling the tension building in the storyline here?
Yeah. Me neither…
But before I could get the van to the uber-helpful fellas at Les Schwab, my friend Lisa… MRS. FIX IT helped me get my tired pumped up enough to get the van down the hill. I couldn’t figure out the air compressor. ON A CCOUNT OF THE FACT I HAVE NEVER HAD TO TURN ON AN AIR COMPRESSOR.
How hot is she???

My mother-in-law had a yard sale. Imagine my surprise when I found this little Marie Antoinette figurine up for sale… ejector head and all…

Well folks…. here begins another week. Today marks 40 days until my 40th. So, YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS?
Neither do I.
Maybe I should start pricing canes on eBay? I could really bling-out a cane… I just know I could.
Did you have a good week last week? Have you ever blinged-out a cane? DO YOU OWN A BEDAZZLER?
I don’t own a bedazzler. Nor a bull horn.
What was I writing about?
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