WASH YOUR HANDS and High Five A Rainbow!

by | Jun 6, 2012 | Sponsored

We all know it is important to wash one’s hands.

But do we think about how “clean” the handwash we are using is?

Method Hand Soap


I really hadn’t, until I visited the land of Method. Literally… I met the warm, kind, FUNNY, balloon-bearing and clean, happy hands of the people behind the Method brand.


I am smitten with Method. I travel  further because I will no longer settle. The closest stores to my home do not carry the full Method product line – FOOL STORES. I must have my Method.

Why is it worth it to me to drive a bit further ?

Honestly, the #1 reason… besides it’s awesome cleaning ability across the board (hands, laundry, dishes AND surfaces)… It is better for my beloveds.

From Method (science ahead!)(I can’t paraphrase because I am not science-y): 

Triclosan is found in many hand soaps, particularly antibacterial hand washes. Method considers triclosan to be a dirty ingredient and never uses it in any of their products. Similar to the Food and Drug Administration’s point of view in this instance, Method believes that hands can be thoroughly washed and cleansed with ordinary soap and chemicals. Triclosan is not only unnecessary, it’s a potentially harmful chemical. Read more in the recent New York Times article linked here.

I have a choice. Now that I know what is better for my family… I choose the better. Better makes us happy. Happy for our hands and now some happy for our eyes…

How much method does it take to make a rainbow? There’s a contest for that!

This month, Method is launching a contest on Facebook asking fans to guess how many Method hand wash bottles were used to make the epic rainbow light installation in the above video. The smarty-pants with closest guess (without going over!) will win a $100 gift card to soap.com to stock up on method goodies. Ten runner ups will win a $50 gift card. Fans can guess daily for more chances to win. Contests ends June 28th.

Have you discovered the happy power of Method? My family has clean laundry (when we do it)… and the dishwasher detergent is not only making our dishes cleaner, but has been a good move for our septic system. And our hands… safely, happily clean!

And lest ye forget…

My Method Peeps

This is the day I got to take pictures in front of hundreds of lighted bottles of Method hand soap… hang out with a flower person, a nose head, and probably the only man in the world who can rock a wicked-superior beard AAAAAAND a white suit. And that Janice… I love time with that crazy Janice

Don’t forget to check out Method on the FB and get guessing!

*I have partnered with Method as a member of the Method Mavens. This story is part of that sweet-smelling relationship. Opinion and any indication of undying love is mine. Alllllll mine…*


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