If you are a fan of fashion. And vintage. Aaaaaand helping children, then do I have an event for YOU!
My Pacific Northwest friends! Mark your calendars for Saturday, March 2! For a mere $30, the event includes a fashion show, fabulous vintage shopping, a light luncheon buffet, entry in drawing to win $200 to use toward any purchase, and loads of fun! They are expecting really great vendors including private collectors who have some very beautiful items and some local Etsy vendors who are all generously donating a minimum of 10% of all proceeds to the NWCF. Some of the items have even been donated at 100%! The event takes place at the Tam O’Shanter Country Club in Bellevue, Washington.

My friend Stephanie, a NWCF board member shared, “On any given night in King County, there are 700-1000 kids under 18 who will sleep on the street – one in three of the girls has been sexually abused and one in 5 of the boys. Within 48 hours, each of them will be approached about prostitution. WHAT?! These are kids we’re talking about…”
And through the NWCF we can help these local children.
Stephanie also shared, “One of the most unique things about this organization is that with the help of board members and an endowment to cover all of our organizational costs, we are able to commit 100% of the money our donors give to the organizations we support.”
Isn’t that amazing?
I am thrilled to be able to offer a free ticket to one person here. (I’ll be there!) To enter, simply leave a comment about why you are interested in helping Northwest Children! One entry per person… Giveaway starts February 20th and ends the 25th! Hope to see you there!!!
If you are interested in attending the event – you can find more information about it here and purchase tickets here. If you cannot attent the event, you can DONATE TO THE NWCF BY FOLLOWING THIS LINK!