OK, so… I’m pretty sure most of the folks who pop by my humble online home here are NOT farmers.
I mean, they are busy. Farmers. Growing food and flowers. Tending animals and crops and such.
But what about you? Maybe you have a few chickens… Do you grow flowers or veggies? Do you do any canning?
Seriously. Have you heard of the Cottage Food Industry Bill? This bill allows folks in Washington state to sell food without utilizing a commercial kitchen – as long as the earnings stay under $15,000 annually. This opens up some tremendous opportunity for local foodsmiths to sell their goods at the countless local farmer’s markets. This expo is providing information to benefit commercial and recreational “farmers” alike…
If you live in or near the Kitsap County Area, and have any interest in the things of growing things of the earth or raising animals for your own consumption and/or profit — the people planning the Kitsap Farms Expo is putting together a great day of great information!
And I don’t just say that because I am leading a session.
“What session?”, you ask?
Well, I am not leading the More Than Meets the Eye, Eye-Catching Market Displays (Farmer’s Markets RULE!) session, nor the From Beak to Toe Eating the WHOLE bird (duuuudes!), nor the Collect, Cover, Compost (I compost!), nor the Flower Growing for Profit, nor the Farm to Table 101 session… These are just a few of TWENTY sessions expo attendees get to choose from.
I will be speaking on the powers of social media.
Even farmers can benefit from the wonder of social media. Farmers are business people too! I’ll be talking Facebook and blogging and Twitter. Yes, even Mr. Green Jeans has come into the online age and is discovering the power of the interwebz. I have the privilege of sharing good ways to build community, online influence and customer base using social media.
And I just found out my session time got moved, so I just may get to check out that one sesh: From Beak to Toe Eating the WHOLE Bird. Besides, I didn’t want my session have to go up against THAT! It’s hard to beat a WHOLE bird.
Just sayin’.
So. If you live in the Kitsap area, mark February 11th on your calendar. The cost is a do-able $55 for a full day of learning and a Local Lunch. Support local business, support local farms! For 12 bucks more, you can purchase your belly an added dose of joy and join in on the post-expo local beer and wine tasting. For more complete information visit the Kitsap WSU extension page here.
*Disclosure: There is really nothing to disclose. I am speaking at the expo, and receiving a nominal speaking stipend. I am just really excited to be involved and I LOVE to share about local community events. Especially really cool ones that have educational written all over them. And don’t forget about that whole chicken thing. *COLOR ME FASCINATED!*
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