After much debating with my own self about whether or not to participate in the Tri Turtle Triathlon, a local sprint(plus) triathlon (1/2 mile swim, 15 mile bike & 3.2 mile run)… I sent in my registration and a check.
I registered very late… which earned me a finishers medal from last year. But hey, a participation medal is a participation medal is a participation medal. s!
I completed a triathlon in 2008… in which I received… a 2007 medal. In school, a student gets detention for turning in her book report late… in triathlons a participant gets last year’s medal! I love it!
This is a post about the tri in which my swim went swimmingly.
This is a post about the tri in which I am glad my swim went well.
This is a post about the tri in which, during the run my body felt like a bag of cement left out in the rain.
This is where I confess to you I wished that I had choked on one of the bugs I encountered when I ran through a bug “cloud”, so I’d have a reason to give for running slow. Then as I ran past a bee I thought, “I wish a bee would sting me so I could have a really good reason to stop…”
Plus, during the run, I pulled/damaged/destroyed a couple muscles in a region I was previously unaware existed in the human body. How on earth?
BUT. I finished.
I even finished fairly well. I don’t have the results just yet, and I was a dork an forgot to hit my watch timer to track my times.
And my pulled muscles? Fine – since I am sitting in my bed and not moving.