The Food Network South Beach Food & Wine Festival – #porkatSOBE Video Peek!

by | Mar 13, 2013 | Sponsored

To refresh your memory… I went to the Food Network South Beach Wine & Food Festival a few weeks back.

I wrote about it here and here.

I left the event feeling so inspired… to cook more, to take on a charcoal grill and fix up my own awesome baby back ribs, and to add Latin music to my cooking playlist! Miami will do that to a girl.

We captured a LOT of video, and this is the first quick taste of … well… what we tasted while there!


I got to be inspired by pork, and you can too! Don’t miss your chance for inspiration on someone else’s dime! Do you have a dream/passion you long to see fulfilled? If so, check out the Pork Passion Pursuits contest! There will be 5 winners – one from each category. Each winner will receive $5,000! That would make for one mighty fine pig-roast!!! Check out this link to get more information and to enter the contest. But promise me… if you win and you have a party, I’ll be on the guest list, right? I love me a good party…

*Disclosure: Just so you know, I am working with the National Pork Board this year… a Pork 5 member. I will be sharing about certain pork goodness throughout the year. I would have talked about bacon anyway, might as well make this thing official. And just in case it isn’t clear: all thoughts, musings, and digressions are my own.*


Don’t forget to visit Jenny On the Spot on Facebook. It’s just like here, but it’s not. You know, ‘cuz it’s Facebook, so…And Twitter. And YouTube. Definitely YouTube
Jenny On the Spot

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