To refresh your memory… I went to the Food Network South Beach Wine & Food Festival a few weeks back.
I wrote about it here and here.
I left the event feeling so inspired… to cook more, to take on a charcoal grill and fix up my own awesome baby back ribs, and to add Latin music to my cooking playlist! Miami will do that to a girl.
We captured a LOT of video, and this is the first quick taste of … well… what we tasted while there!
I got to be inspired by pork, and you can too! Don’t miss your chance for inspiration on someone else’s dime! Do you have a dream/passion you long to see fulfilled? If so, check out the Pork Passion Pursuits contest! There will be 5 winners – one from each category. Each winner will receive $5,000! That would make for one mighty fine pig-roast!!! Check out this link to get more information and to enter the contest. But promise me… if you win and you have a party, I’ll be on the guest list, right? I love me a good party…
*Disclosure: Just so you know, I am working with the National Pork Board this year… a Pork 5 member. I will be sharing about certain pork goodness throughout the year. I would have talked about bacon anyway, might as well make this thing official. And just in case it isn’t clear: all thoughts, musings, and digressions are my own.*