The First Day of School: Like I wouldn’t write about it.

by | Sep 8, 2011 | Parenting/Family | 4 comments

I know, I know… the internet is abuzz with “the first day of school” updates. You have probably had your fill.

But I just feel I would be remiss if I didn’t join in on all the bragging news-sharing.

I mean… my kids. They are CUUUUTE.

My kids are cute

You try and not post about such cuteness.

I. Know.


So. The first day of school came and went with surprisingly little fanfare and tears.

No tears, in fact.

I was so worried I’d dehydrate myself via my tear ducts. But nothing.



Truth be told it was a chaotic day. I got a few pictures of the kids at home before school, but then we had to rush off to take my son to his first day of middle school.


Mr. Cool. Sheesh.

But I knew how to get him back. I stuck my head and camera out of the car window and yelled, “JOEL. JOEl! JOEL! HEY! PICTURE! JOEL! PICTURE!”

My no-help-of-a-husband kept nudging, “Stop. Don’t do that to him. You are not going to do this to him.”

It would appear I, in fact, did. My boy knows who I am. I really believe my son expected nothing less. I think had I not, his feelings might have even been hurt.

In summary, this is the fruit I have to show for all my hard labor just over 12 years ago:

My son not paying me any heed.

He would NOT look at me.

So I took a picture of me.



That didn’t make me feel better.

But it was a good distraction.

Then we took the girls to their school, and it was just plain odd. Odd. Odd. Odd.

It was as if my emotions were detached from my reality. I snapped some shots, but most were fuzzy… which seems appropriate since the whole drop-off just seemed fuzzy – a bit surreal and “this is not happening”. Then I snapped this shot as we waved our final goodbye to Lucy. The “baby”. A great-big first grader…

Ready for 1st grade

Oh Lucy. She was SO excited. She never looked back. Except to smile for the camera.

Which made-up for how my son treated me.

Not really.

At one point, we were walking through the elementary school hallway. I stepped back when I saw bigger girl swing a smaller one around. She pointed at something and then took the little’s girl’s head in her hands and turned her head toward…

follow the trail of applesAn apple. As I watched I remembered back to last year. The ONE YEAR all of my kids were and will ever be in the same school. I imagined the same scenario panned out between my girls. These apples are taped along the hallway walls… to help lead the kindergarteners to their classrooms. The bigger girl was helping the smaller one find her way. I assume it was big sister. A little gruff, yet she stuck with it… not taking the little girl to her class, but helping her learn to make it on her own.


Yadda, yadda, yadda… enough mushy stuff.

The kids were in school and my man and I had about 15 minutes to throw to the wind.

We went for coffee.

coffee for mom and dad

Big suprise.

And then the busy-ness of the daily kicked into gear and off we went. I went so much I used 1/3 of a tank of gas.


If you have kids in school… how’d the first day go? Did you have any surprises? Did you have coffee? Did your son refuse to look at you?

I’m sorry for that last question… I think my boy is going to be paying for that for awhile.



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