We laid in my bed to read the other night. When I closed the book and suggested we move on to the next task she said, “Can we snuggle for a little bit first?
Dear Lucy,
My unexpected blessing. You’re ten.
It seems like two blinks of the eye ago you were so widdle…
Ten years old?
Your name means light… without planning to do it you live up to this meaning.
You give light. Your smile. Your sweetness. Your innocence. Your hopeful heart. Your exuberant joy.
Not withholding.
I am so thankful you let your light shine. No shade or cloud keeps your sunbeams from shooting through.
You have added so much to our family – and I’m not just talking about the messes.
I see how you soften our hearts, and make us laugh, and lift our hearts when life feels hard or dark.
Everyday after school I ask, “How was your day?”
You always, always always cheerfully exclaim, “AWESOME!” or “GRRRREAT!”
Even if it wasn’t. The Good, Awesome, and Great float to the top for you.
I love that about you.
This is who you are. Who God created you to be.
Positive. Lovely. Light-giving. Goofy. Creative. Energetic.
And passionate.
I am blessed in every minute of every day to get to be the one you call Mom. Mommy. Mama.
In every word. And snuggle. Even in every reminder I must give you to brush your teeth… I am blessed.
Funny, though… I don’t want you to grow up because mamas never want their babies to grow up.
But then… we can’t help but dream about who our babies will grow up to be! And as much as I want to put bricks on your head to keep you little forever… I love watching the beautiful big girl you are becoming and can’t help but get a little (or a lot) excited about that too.
Don’t grow!
It’s so hard to be a mama sometimes!
Lucy Jean…I love you with all of my heart. And lungs. And fingers. And toes. To the moon. And back. A million times over. Times infinity. Times two. Times two again.
My prayer is the same as so many parents pray for their child… health and success and finding joy and to be protected from harm. Though the asks are fairly usual, they are not… for from the depths of my heart I long to see all the good seeds in your heart come to their fullest and most beautiful bloom.
I love you. Almost more than I can bear. I am the luckiest to be the one you call mama. Mom. Mommy (depending on what you need and your mood). It is the sweetest sound to my ears – your voice calling for me. Unless, of course, it’s because you broke, spilled, or lost something 😉
I love you, Sweet Lucy. Deeply and madly.