Scrapbook Inspired Decoupage Mirror: The DIY Challenge on The Mom’s View

by | Mar 24, 2014 | Artsy Craftsy, Video | 2 comments

Are you ready for cute?


It’s a Scrapbook Inspired Decoupage Mirror!

JOTSDIYI am so thrilled The Mom’s View invited me to come out and be part of their DIY challenge!

And there you have it a decoupaged mirror, y’all!

The hardest part was decoupaging all the little pieces to the frame and letter under studio lights!

After doing this, my advice is to take a few evenings to cut out your pieces ahead of time. Maybe while watching a show, or waiting for the kids in the pick-up circle. Having the pieces all ready to go help speed the process up.

And then it’s decoupage time!

It’s something that kids can do too… a great rainy day or snow day activity, in fact. It takes a bit of time to get those pieces glued onto the frame.And if your kids are at all like mine, you probably have lots of paper scraps floating around.

I’d say, Just make sure an adult is around when dealing with removing and placing the mirror and the E6000.

Craft night with the ladies???? Just add wine!

And chocolate.

As I mentioned in the video, this project is a piece for a kids room or a nursery… or even a fun piece for an office. At $24, it’s inexpensive too! It’s a great way to personalize a space and add some lovely character!

It’s so nice to find a project that inspires creatively, decks the walls, and consumes very little green from the wallet.


Now, if you don’t mind… if you would head over to the YouTube and maybe comment on the video there and maybe like, and also subscribe to The Mom’s View… they are my people and it’d be rad to spread the love… and keep up on what they are doing over there. Lots of DIYs and discussions about life and motherhood, and sometimes other stuff too.

xoxo, folks. You’re good people.

Really good.

Hi, I'm Jenny :)

Hi, I'm Jenny 🙂

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