You read that right… TWO fun things!
2) I think I am now podcasting.
I went to the Mom 2 Summit in Phoenix the beginning of May. I was given the opportunity to interview Molly Ringwald (one of the keynote speakers) while there.
To be honest, I thought the email with the opportunity was a mistake.
I said to myself, “Jenny. Surely they meant to send that email to a different Jenny.”
And a couple days later I said to myself, “Well, if they DID mean to send it to a different Jenny – it was their fault and you should reply and tell them YES.”
So I did and the rest is history.
I can’t say I wasn’t nervous.
But once I let my star-struck nerves calm down I remembered Molly is a lady just like me.
With the exception of being an icon, but OTHER THAN THAT.
I asked folks over on The Facebook to throw out questions they’d like me to ask her. And there were some good ones… many of which were focused on kissing Jake.
But my interview window became very small and Molly is more than a kiss with Jake.
She is a mom workin’ hard like we moms do. She’s an author with a new book out too…
So please forgive my nervousness and stumbly chatter in this interview. I was convincing me not to be nervous and trying not to overstay my welcome. Honestly, I think Molly and I could have chatted on and on and on. Her husband was there too… you can hear him adding his 2 cents…which were more valuable than two cents.
Can’t access podcast above, listen here.
A big thanks to Molly and to Dove for making that moment happen. Thank you to Dove for the work they are doing with helping women share their beauty stories. My take is, not every story has to be about beauty… the beauty is getting out there and sharing our stories. Obviously, I love sharing stories, but I love hearing them too. The stories of others add so much to our own. There is so much out there to learn… to share… in laughter and even sometime in tears.