Please welcome… my new baby!

by | Nov 23, 2011 | Life | 22 comments

If you are reading JOTS in a reader or via email… it is highly likely you have not seen this:

The new JOTS

(If you are viewing in a reader or email… click over… just for a sec. Go meet her. You know you want to mee her…)

And as if my site wasn’t ALL JENNY ALL THE TIME before… it is NOW, ya’ll!!!

I want to thank my wonderful husband for graciously taking my creative criticism… for strategerizing with me, and for just plain-ol being awesome.

Why the new look? Well, it was time. I wanted brighter colors. I wanted a great big picture of me in the sky!

One thing I am struggling with is a tagline. These are some ideas I’ve come up with:

  • A tagline? You can put Jenny in a corner! (get it? heh…)
  • You say tomatoes, I say SPARKLE!
  • I am not good at making taglines, but I’m really good at making coffee… and vlogs.
  • Jenny of all trades master of none…
Of course there are the good ol’ standbys..
  • Peace and Sparkles!
  • I am Jenny and I am on the spot.



Whaddya think? There are some quirks we are still ironing out.

Wait. Since when does iron quirks?

Aaaanywho. There is still a bit of fixing and tweaking taking place. The goal was to brighten things up and make finding different things more fun and easy. Hoping you find that to be true. I know it’s hard when a site just ups and changes everything… (Facebook)… SO I hope this is an easy, fun and sparkly swtich.

Thank you all for giving me a reason to make my husband stay up late and agonize over this. Because OF COURSE… Jenny On the Spot is all about YOU. These things? I do for you…


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Hi, I'm Jenny :)

Hi, I'm Jenny 🙂

I'm on the spot!

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